Our dramaturgy offers and represents works of Slovak and foreign authors. Events initiated by local communities or residents have a significant presence in the program. They reflect their activities and interests and form about 30 percent of the total content of a program.

We create the program in Tabaсka Kulturfabrik not only for the inhabitants of Kosice and the Kosice region but for all those who temporarily live in the metropolis of the East. Whether we talk about students of secondary schools and universities, employees of companies, or tourists, everybody is welcome here.

We are creating an innovative platform to expand and cultivate the audience, including expansion of communication means (online in real space and time). We strive to create different models of participation, whether by organizing open days or exploring opinions through applications in which visitors, customers, creators, and participants evaluate our work.

We plan to create a place where people can communicate about Europe’s cultural and industrial heritage and reflect on specific historical events. In the period 2018-2020, the content priority of the Tabacka’s program was dedicated to art and the connection of art with new technologies.